Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Caen Universitesi' deki CRIIGEN'den Prof. Seralini'nin grubu, Dijon Universitesi' nden Prof. Chagnon'un grubuyla beraber, yeni dogan bebeklerin gobek bagi hucrelerinde cok az derecede Roundup toksini oldugunu gosterdikten sonra yeni bulgularını acikladi. Cok az derecede, ornegin Birlesik Devletlerde GDOlu gidalarda izin verilen Roundup kalintisindan 800 kez az, bu cesit herbisid erkeklesme hormonu olan androjenin hareketini engelliyor.Ayrica ostrojenin hareketi ve duzeni de bozuluyor. Bu seviyelerde insan hucrelerindeki DNA bozumu da basliyor. Bu etkiler, hayvan deneylerinde ve insan epidemiyolojisindek i yikici sonuclari acikliyor.
Bu calisma, Roundup ve glyphosate bazlı diger herbisidlerin toksik uretici ve endokrin duzensizlestirici olarak sınıflandırılması nı oneriyor. Bu durum, bu zamana kadar goz ardi ediliyordu cunku herbisid firmalari yetkililere sadece glyphosate ile yapilmis calismalar sunuyordu. Fakat ticarilesmis karisimlar aslinda cok daha aktif.
Çeviri Ekin Kurtiç

*Press Release CRIIGEN - July 2nd 2009*


Prof. Seralini's group from CRIIGEN in the University of Caen, in
collaboration with Pr. Chagnon's group from the University of Dijon,
have just published a new discovery, after having demonstrated Roundup
toxicity at infinitesimal doses in particular in umbilical cord cells
from newborns. At very low levels, for instance 800 times less than
Roundup residues authorized in some GMOs for feed in United States, this
kind of herbicide for a formulation sold in drugstores prevents the
action of androgens, the masculinizing hormones. Then the action and
formation of estrogens are also disrupted. The DNA damages in human
cells begin around this level. These effects explain disturbing results
of animal experiments and in human epidemiology. It is thus proposed to
examine in regulatory instances the classification of Roundup and other
glyphosate-based herbicides as reprotoxics and endocrine disruptors.
These phenomena have been underestimated up to now because pesticides
factories present in majority to authorities studies with glyphosate
alone, however the commercialized mixture is a lot more active.

The study is published by the end of June 2009 in the international
scientific journal /Toxicology/ by Gasnier et al.
Contact : Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini

1 comment:

administrator said...

Güzel çalışma olmuş gözlerinize sağlık.
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